In the second episode of ADI Answers, Valentina (policy officer ADI) talks to Patritita Pahladsingh, managing director of Creative Agency TBWA\NEBOKO. Watch the video and find out how TBWA recruits diverse talent and what initiatives it deploys.

Patritita was also previously a guest in our first webinar, read the report back here.

About ADI Gives Answers

Many employers want a more mixed workforce, but how do you get it done? In ADI geeft Antwoord gaan we met bedrijven uit het netwerk van Amsterdam – Divers & Inclusief in op deze vraag en op alles wat daarmee samenhangt. What steps are companies taking to gain and retain a more diverse workforce? What do they see as the benefits of having a diverse workforce? What tips they have for other entrepreneurs? All questions that we will address in the coming months.

Have a question for an entrepreneur or want to be interviewed yourself? Email

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