Stage discrimination is a complex and persistent problem, also in Amsterdam. In the field of labour market discrimination, much research has been done on successful, effective ways to counter this. The Integration and Society Knowledge Platform(KIS) has tested 5 of these ways (mechanisms) to see if they also work in the context of the mbo internship market.

The mechanisms are:
  1. getting to know each other to reduce prejudice
  2. objective recruitment and selection
  3. engaging the conversation as a bystander
  4. social norms and accountability
  5. awareness.

For all mechanisms, KIS provides a general description, possible application to the internship market and preconditions based on literature. In addition, they conducted interviews and group discussions with stakeholders, namely education professionals, employers and stakeholders. KIS discusses to what extent education professionals recognise internship discrimination and what is the perspective of all stakeholders on the active mechanisms and applicability to the internship market.

Author: Hanneke Felten, Maaike van Rooijen, Leyla Reches and René Broekroelofs Publisher: Knowledge Platform Integration & Society Year of publication: 2021

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