Schiphol has been leading the Aviation Inclusive initiative since 2015, a collaboration of over 45 employers who provide sustainable workplaces for people with a distance to the labour market. The participating companies are convinced that everyone who wants and can work at Schiphol deserves a chance.

“Schiphol is a wonderful, dynamic place to work. Anyone who wants to work and can contribute is welcome here. From office to operational positions. We want to give talents with occupational limitations a chance and are proud that they contribute to the quality of our airport.”

Dick Benschop, CEO Royal Schiphol Group.

Aviation Inclusive promotes this inclusive work culture through the following programmes:

AIRpotentials: is aimed especially at young adults with a distance to the labour market. They have this, for example, because they have a condition, disability or registration in the target group register. Twice a year, Aviation Inclusive organises an AIRpotential meeting for them and brings them into contact with participating companies. Luchtvaart Inclusief also mediates between these companies and candidates nominated by cooperation organisations. Schiphol – Amsterdam Jobs Plan is a cooperation, started in early 2020. The cooperation is between, among others, Aviation Inclusive, UWV, Werkgevers Servicepunt Groot-Amsterdam and the municipality of Amsterdam. The plan agreed to provide workplaces for 750 people with a distance to the labour market within three years. From this cooperation, guidance ‘from work to work’ is also worked on to prevent employees from ending up in a benefit situation (again). Facilitair Inclusief is a special collaboration between four cleaning companies at Schiphol. They have joined forces to help people distanced from the labour market gain work experience and obtain a diploma. They are doing this by working together with the MRA (Metropool Regio Amsterdam)-Loket and MBO College Airport. Participants work part-time at one of the companies, simultaneously following the MBO course Entree Luchthavenassistent and are supervised by a job coach. This way, the companies get motivated employees. In addition, participants get a diploma and gain work experience so they can build on their careers. Would you like to know more about working or doing an internship at Schiphol? At Aviation Community Schiphol, you can read more about Schiphol’s programmes in the field of working and learning.

On the internship vacancy page of Amsterdam – Divers & Inclusive, you will also find internship vacancies from Schiphol and other companies.

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